Current Initiatives
Summary Data on Admissions Requirements and Institution Demographics in Athletic Training Education
Specialty Training
Specialty training in Athletic Training is on the rise! CAATE accredited residency programs develop specialization and sub-specialization through formal clinical development, structured didactic curricula, and scholarship in the specialty area. The AATE Research Network recently worked with graduates of residency and fellowship programs from as early as 2007 to characterize their experiences since graduation.

AATE Research Network – Research Agenda
Over the course of 2020-2021, the AATE Research Network has been hard at work developing  strategic plan and a research agenda. The agenda will serve as the driving force behind upcoming research projects and research group charters. The Network has developed a list of research questions in the priority areas and will continue to solicit research group mentorship surrounding the research priorities.

Interprofessional Behavioral Health Care Research Group
The AATE Research Network, in collaboration with AATE institutional users and high quality educational researchers are engaged in the first of a two-part project on interprofessional behavioral health care. This group is exploring the characteristics and experiences of interprofessional teams that effectively recognize and manage routine and emergency behavioral health conditions, specifically in the college/university health care setting. This project will help the AATE Research Network in its goal to curate an authentic interprofessional simulation experience that enhances student confidence and competence in recognizing and managing routine and emergency behavioral health conditions.

Evaluation of Characteristics of Patient Encounters
Led by Dr. Bonnie Van Lunen, a grant-funded group of AATE Research Network members have completed their work on the characteristics of patient encounters and the impact of clinical experiences for professional athletic training students. Keep an eye out for manuscript publications and check out our listing of presentations.
Athletic Training Educators’ Perceptions of Competence
Led by Dr. Cailee Welch Bacon, this study explored athletic training educators' perceptions of student competence in athletic training education. We collected responses from 352 athletic training educators via an online, qualitative survey. This project is currently in the manuscript preparation phase. Furthermore, an abstract on the findings from this study has been accepted for presentation at the 2020 NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo in Atlanta, GA.