Call for Applications

The AATE Research Network (Network) invites applications from scholars to join our group, dedicated to advancing the research agenda of the Association for Athletic Training Education (AATE) research agenda. Our mission is to foster collaboration among researchers to address pivotal questions that enhance the education of healthcare professionals. Since its inception in 2016, the Network has consistently contributed to professional and post-professional education through scholarship. The current research agenda prioritizes scholarship in these areas (Appendix A):

  • Recruitment and Retention
  • Progressive Autonomy in Clinical Education
  • Interprofessional and Collaborative Practice
  • Specialization

The Network is a branch of the AATE and has voting representation on the AATE Board of Directors. Members of the network do not have to be faculty members of an institution with AATE membership. The AATE Board of Directors does not drive the research agenda and activities of the Network. An accounting of the Network's scholarly publications and presentations is located in Appendix C.

The Network is led by a director (Appendix B) who is responsible for strategic leadership, project management, vision planning, collaboration and networking, resource management, and administrative duties.

The Network invites early-career and more established scholars with a shared interest in the education of future and current healthcare professionals to apply.

Duration of Appointment: initial 3-year appointment; annual reappointment, which then requires affirmation by the majority of the Network members

Time Commitment: quarterly virtual meetings; biennial face-to-face meeting; variable effort when engaged in specific projects

Committee Member Qualifications and Attributes:

  • A strong commitment to advancing educational research in healthcare
  • A readiness to contribute to shaping and refining the ongoing research priorities of the Network
  • A willingness to actively participate in and contribute to scholarly projects and initiatives

Application Process:

Submit completed biosketch to [email protected] by March 15, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. EST.

  • Background (name, education, current position)
  • Personal Statement of how you will contribute to and benefit from membership in the Network
  • Positions and Honors (list in reserve chronological order positions held that are relevant to this group; list relevant achievements and awards)
  • Contributions (relevant scholarship)
  • Additional information (grants, ongoing research projects, etc.)