Now Accepting 2024-2025 CoHort Applications
The AATE Faculty institute is a year-long, cohort-based program designed to support athletic training faculty in their career development and promote excellence and innovation in athletic training education.
Designed by the AATE Faculty Development Committee, the Faculty Institute includes modules on teaching and learning, leadership, program administration, and scholarship. It is conducted via synchronous, weekly virtual discussions, all available using the Canvas Learning Management System (on behalf of the University of Mary). The time commitment is 15 - 20 hours per month, and the program is scheduled from September 1st – August 31st of each year.
Participants commit to both participate in the program and provide periodic feedback for program improvement.
Faculty members from professional, post-professional, and residency programs are encouraged to apply. Faculty in any stage of their career will benefit from this program.
Applications are accepted every summer for a September start. Pricing for the program is $475 for AATE members and $900 for non-members. Consider using institutional grant money for the program rather than professional development funds! For those applicants who aren't matriculated into the cohort, a full refund will be provided at the time application decisions are made.
2023-2024 Cohort Selected
Aaron Doering | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Corbit Franks | University of Mississippi
Rachel Geoghegan | A.T. Still University
Whitney Graves | Cumberland University
Rebecca Hirschhorn | Louisiana State University
Emily Madrak | University of Virginia
Heidi Peters | Cumberland University
Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Cohort!
Patrick Hills-Meyer | University of Wisconsin - Madison
Erin Pletcher | Thomas Jefferson University
Lindsey Schroeder | University of North Carolina - Wilmington
Joseph Shaffer | Duquesne University
Brenda White | Messiah University
Nicole Wilkins | The University of Tulsa
Joni Maddux | University of West Alabama